About West Brunswick Community Garden

Garden layout

The garden is divided into three areas of roughly equal size:

  1. Communal growing space 
  2. Personal plots
  3. Shared facilities, e.g. compost bays, equipment storage areas, gathering space

The great thing about this layout, with large areas of communal space, is that there is no limit to how many people can join. No matter how you are involved, the garden is for everyone. Personal plot holders get involved with communal gardening, and everyone is interested in what is grown by plot holders.

The food from the communal plots is shared by those who share the fun of growing. Even the personal/household plots share some of their bounty too.

How we operate

The garden’s organisation is overseen by the West Brunswick Community Garden Organising Committee, a dedicated group of volunteers who keep the garden running. 

Learn more about our Organising Committee here

The OC is supported by the MCG Board. Read about the how the Board operates here, and view our Organisational Structure here

Useful links

We are always looking to improve the value our garden offers to members, the local community, and the environment. 

This Amenity Plan outlines our goals and action plan for the garden:

West Brunswick Community Garden Amenity Plan 2020 (2)_compressed

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