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Community gardens & composting with Lena Be!

Big thank you to Lena Be ( for chatting with Libby and Richard about all things community gardening and composting! ...
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Food Forest working bee

Thank you to everyone who came along to today's working bee in the Food Forest! We got loads done, including:Removing the ...
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Why we love communal gardening!

Did you know that although our gardens have personal plots, over half of our garden space is dedicated to communal ...
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Our first bananas!

Libby and Jess were very excited to discover the first fruits on our banana plants in the Food Forest! These plants are ...
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Harvest of vegetables from Pentridge Community Garden

Open Garden sessions are back at Pentridge Community Garden. Learn to garden in Coburg with your neighbours.

After a disrupted year, we're very pleased to announce that Open Garden sessions are back at Pentridge Community Garden! Open ...
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Cover for Moreland Community Gardening
Moreland Community Gardening

Moreland Community Gardening

Morelanders keen on growing food together and sharing what we know. Includes West Brunswick Community Garden, Dunstan Reserve Food Forest, and Pentridge Community Garden.

Preston Garden Club Inc. has their Garden Gala coming up this weekend. See more details at ... See MoreSee Less
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